Friday, June 20, 2014

Backlighting and a Scruffy Little Bird

June in Minnesota this year is being noted for double the normal in rainfall.  I am one those people who can literally feel the differences in energy boost when the sun comes out.  One evening Audrey saw a little bunny dart across our yard.  Faster than a speeding bullet she was off trying to catch the bunny, but was too slow.  We both saw it go into the bed of irises, but for the life of us could not rustle it out.  It was then I noticed the beautiful backlighting that fell on the irises and went and grabbed my camera.

Towards the end of the school year the parents were encouraged to come to school and witness a presentation that the kids were showing that day.  Both my husband and I went and were charmed by our girls who did so well in kindergarten.  Audrey seemed antsy that day, she was in a big hurry to get home.  She kept saying she saw a little bird that must have fallen out of its nest.  Just coming from work I had no idea where this story came from or what happened to the bird.  When we got home she immediately found the bird, who had not ventured far and my heart went out to it.  After calling several environmental places and being told to leave it on the ground and that the mother would feed it, I told Audrey we had do that and because we didn't know how to feed it and leaving it for it's mother would be the best chance the little thing had of survival.  We never knew what happened to the bird, but on cold, rainy nights I pray it is safe and dry.

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